This paper outlines the laboratory maintenance including mating and feeding of the lower dipteran fly Bradysia Sciara coprophila. Laboratory stocks of the lower dipteran fly, Bradysia Sciara coprophila, have been maintained for over a century. Protocols for laboratory upkeep of B. These protocols will be useful for the rapidly increasing number of laboratories studying B. It is now possible to explore these many unique features of chromosome mechanics by using the recent advances in sequencing and assembly of the B. The growing scientific community that uses B. A complete understanding of biological principles requires the study of many diverse organisms spanning the Tree of Life. Although a broad range of organisms were described through the end of the 19 th century, by the middle of the 20 th century experimental studies became restricted to a handful of less than a dozen Front Hood Panel Assembly Primed Steel Escort organisms. With the advent of the genomic era and the goal to sequence genomes from all species in the Tree of Life 1we are now in a position to expand the types of organisms being used for laboratory experiments and to reap the advantage of their diversity. Such expansion of emerging model organisms for experiments has a prerequisite of being able to maintain them in the laboratory. The majority of animal life on Earth is accounted for by four super-radiations of Insects 2. Within the Insects, there are aboutspecies of Diptera true flies 3with about species in the family Sciaridae black fungus gnats 4. The fruitfly Drosophila is the most thoroughly studied of the Dipteran flies. The lower Dipteran fly NematoceraBradysia previously called Sciara coprophiladiverged million years ago from Drosophilawhich is a "higher Dipteran" fly Brachycera. Therefore, B. Moreover, B. Chromosome imprinting to distinguish maternal from paternal homologs was first discovered in B. In addition to chromosome elimination, another bypass of DNA constancy occurs via developmentally regulated, locus-specific DNA amplification at the DNA puff loci in larval salivary gland polytene chromosomes. Studies of these unique features require laboratory maintenance of B. Figure 1 : Phylogeny of Bradysia Sciara coprophila. Popular model organisms are indicated in blue font and their taxonomic order in red font. Bradysia and other Sciarid fungus gnats as well as mosquitoes are lower dipteran flies formerly, suborder Nematocerawhereas Drosophila species are higher dipteran flies suborder: Brachysera. Information on the left side of the figure is from Misof et al. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure. Previously, the genus Sciara had the largest number of species for any eukaryote, prompting Steffan to subdivide them 8. Subsequently, Shin proposed that the Sciaridae family be subdivided into the subfamily Sciarinae with six genera including Sciara, Trichosia, and Leptosciarellathe subfamiliy Megalosphyinae including the genus Bradysia and three other groups including Pseudolycoriella 9. The phylogeny of the Sciaridae has been studied further by several groups Front Hood Panel Assembly Primed Steel Escort recent years 910 Over the past several decades, the names of many organisms in the Sciaridae family have changed Although most of the literature spanning more than a century refers to the organism that we study as Sciara coprophilaits current taxonomic name is now Bradysia coprophila syn. Bradysia tilicola and other synonyms They are found worldwide and are commonly known as fungus gnats since they eat mushrooms and other fungi. They were first described in by Meigen 13 in Europe and subsequently by Johannsen 1415 in North America. Thus, the current stocks reflect a century of inbreeding. Similarly, the biology of B. In the s, Bradysia Sciara competed with Drosophila melanogaster as a model system for genetic studies.
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