To browse Academia. Women, whose space in the traditional social structure is limited only to the house, started to be included in social life with the Industrial Revolution. In other words, during this period the sharp boundaries of the distinction between public and private spheres have softened. As a result of the labor requirement, the role of women who previously was mother and wife at home changed. With the change experienced, the status of women and the roles they assume have diversified and women have entered the business life. It was at this point that women began to express their demands for freedom and equality and began to engage in organized activities. The concept of equality and freedom, which is the starting point of the women's movement, revealed the concept of feminism. This understanding, which emerged in Europe, also affected the Ottoman society. The process that started with the Tanzimat in the Ottoman Empire reached its highest level with the libertarian atmosphere of the II. Constitutional Monarchy, and the organization of women was mostly experienced in this period. In this period, many associations were established, magazines and newspapers were published in order to bring women's issues to the agenda. In this sense, the press and associations working together carried out important works, and ensured expansion of activities. Ottoman women, primarily engaged in activities to gain equal education rights to improve their excluded position in social life. Among the established associations, the only association that stated that they defended the feminist thought was Müdafaa-i Hukuk-ı Nisvan Cemiyeti Ottoman Society for the Defense of Women's Rights and the publication organ of the association is Kadınlar Dünyası Dergisi Women's World Magazine. In the study, after explaining the development of women's movements in the world and in the Ottoman Empire, one of the societies established during the II. Constitutional Era, Müdafaa-i Hukuk-ı Nisvan and Kadınlar Dünyası which is Kapakl Isınırsız Escort Derinsu publication organ of this society, will be examined. Öte yandan, Sabiha ve Zekeriya Sertel çiftinin görsel dilin çarpıcılığını kullanan yayıncılığı, mesleki tarihyazımı içerisinde kapsamlı biçimde incelenmemiştir. İlk bölümde, kadınların Osmanlı dönemindeki yayıncılık faaliyetleri, arka plandaki dinamikleriyle birlikte sunulmaktadır. Old Ottoman texts written during this period include works written at the time when the Ottoman Principality was on its way to becoming a state and then an empire. According to the wealth and power of the man, the status and influence of these women in society increases. Women who are called hatun, sitti and other words indicating status, ruled the state in earlier periods, while in the Ottoman period they supported the man. The older they are, the more influential these women are, and if they are mothers, they are more powerful than wives and daughters. Women whose fathers or husbands are not wealthy or in authority are named as ugly if their physical features are not considered sufficient. Evil-hearted women are usually selected from such women who are deemed physically inadequate and are referred to as acuze, cadu, etc. In addition, concepts such as honor and morality are Kapakl Isınırsız Escort Derinsu through these women. Of the two sexes, only women are punished if they do not act in accordance with religious and moral rules. Because the human living in the Kapakl Isınırsız Escort Derinsu environment interacts with the opposite sex constantly. These relations are organized by cultural norms that shape society. Surely each society's value system and relationship patterns are different from each other. However, interaction with foreign cultures among communities experiences similar changes in relationships depending on social events and economic factors over time. The case of man-woman relationships that is an universal problem in this aspect has been the subject for the many disciplines and it has been long and complicated affair. The point is that the issues that concern us track how a development in the course of Turkish-Ottoman society. The primary goal of the traditional patriarchal system is to create a world where man dominance maintains. The women's movement is always under pressure by power, so the continuity of existing traditional structures is provided. The role and behavior of both sexes who were in the hands of this scheme captured the will of women and the women are always in the second. Men can move freely in many fields such divorcing, marriage more than one women and relationships outside of marriage and they limit women's rights and freedoms in a form of unfair. This problem is handled strikingly in Kadınlar Dünyası. This article is a general assessment on the problem of man-woman relations in Turkish-Ottoman society based within the framework of Kadınlar Dünyası. ÖZET İnsanlık tarihi boyunca toplumsal hayatın en önemli meselelerinden birini oluşturan kadın konusu geçerliliğini günümüzde de sürdürmektedir. Çünkü sosyal bir çevrede yaşayan insan, karşı cinsi ile devamlı olarak etkileşim içerisindedir. Bu ilişkiler toplumu şekillendiren kültürel normlar meydana getirir. Şüphesiz her toplumun değer sistemi ve ilişki biçimleri birbirinden farklıdır. Ancak insan toplulukları arasında dış kültürlerle etkileşim, sosyal olaylar ve ekonomik faktörlere bağlı olarak zamanla ilişkiler bazında benzer değişimler de yaşanmaktadır. Bu yönüyle evrensel bir problem olarak karşımıza çıkan kadın olgusu pek çok bilim dalı için araştırma konusu olmuş, köklü ve karmaşık bir meseledir.
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