Ankara University Research Information System. Home page. Download CV Türkçe English. Citation WoS H-Index WoS Citation Scopus H-Index Scopus Project 9. Thesis Advisory 4. Open Access More metrics. Education Information. Research Areas. Internal Medicine Sciences. Child Health and Diseases. Pediatric Immunology and Allergy. Health Sciences. Postgraduate Postgraduate Olgularla primer immün yetmezlikler. Advising Theses. Advisor A. Advisor H. Advisor Ö. DUR Student. Frontiers in Immunologyvol. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseasesvol. Articles Published in Other Journals. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisivol. Milli Pediatri Kongresi, Turkey, 15 December Ulusal Neonatoloji Kongresi, Turkey, 10 - 14 December Klinik İmmünoloji Kongresi, Turkey, 20 - 23 March European Society for primary immunodeficencies, 24 - 27 October Bal S. ESİD11 - 14 September ESID11 - 14 September Eaacı17 - 21 July Congress of European academy of Ankara eskort m.vk clinical ımmunology, 17 - 21 June SIOP, 19 - 22 October SİOP, 19 - 22 October ESPE10 - 12 September EBMT, 22 - 25 March Santos-Valente E. Colarusso G. DOĞU E.
One hundred and eight health care staff were infected during the study period. Citation Scholar Romantik, Dram türündeki sinema filmin yönetmen koltuğunda, Riteish Deshmukh oturmaktadır. Milli Pediatri Kongresi, Turkey, 15 December Eighty-three percent of the patients were discharged without any apparent sequelae, while 7 3. The number of patients with the multisystem inflammatory syndrome MIS-C , characterized by fever, systemic inflammation, and multiple organ involvement requiring hospitalization due to confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, was also reported [ 25 ].
Asst. Prof. FÜSUN ÖZER
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