To browse Academia. Mankind has felt the need to migrate to other places due to wars, political conflicts between countries, religious oppression, natural disasters, social and economic reasons, financial difficulties, etc. The most difficult of these is the emigration of people who had to leave their homeland due to war, religious oppression and political conflicts because these reasons lead to the emergence of situations that violate the right to life and freedom of the person. Nations who are forced to leave their own lands are forced to sell their movable and immovable properties at no cost, apart from the persecution and tyranny they have suffered. This situation causes emigrants to experience great difficulties in their lives. Many societies, tribes and nations living in the world have felt the need to emigrate from one place to another for various reasons throughout history. The Ottoman Empire had an important geopolitical position connecting the continents due to its geography. This situation caused the Ottomans to be on the migration routes. Being on the migration routes often caused the immigrants to settle in the Ottoman lands. The Ottoman Empire was exposed to large Muslim emigrations in various periods. After Greece gained its independence, it forced Muslims to emigrate in order to become a nation. After the Crimean War, it was exposed to mass emigration from the Caucasus and the Crimea. After the Ottoman-Russian War, the Ottoman Empire was forced to give autonomy to some of its lands. In accordance with the Berlin Treaty, the Bulgarian Exarchate was established on the territory of the Ottoman Empire with the compulsion of the European States. Bosnia and Herzegovina was under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After that, a large number of emigrations occurred to the lands remaining in the hands of the Ottoman Empire. Especially the Ottoman subjects, who were in the places that were lost and gained autonomy in the last period, emigrated to the Ada Incili Escort Ankara lands. In the XV. Bosnia and Herzegovina had lived in peace and tranquility under the Ottoman rule for more than four centuries. After the French Revolution, the nationalist movement that surrounded the world also affected the peoples living on the territory of the Ottoman Empire and they rebelled against the state. After the Serbian and Montenegrin revolts against the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman-Russian and Austrian Wars, the people living in the Balkan region had to emigrate to Anatolian lands. Emigration started from Bosnia, which was occupied by Austria according to the Berlin Treaty. The Austro-Hungarian State tried to increase its population rate alongside the Muslim population by placing Catholics in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bosnian Muslims felt the need to emigrate because they could not bear the injustices they suffered and living under the domination of a non-Muslim nation. The Ottoman State settled the emigrants in many places, especially in Istanbul. In the documents examined, it was seen that the Ottoman Empire tried to protect its territorial integrity on the one hand, and on the other hand, had to deal with the emigrants coming from the regions that gained autonomy and where the Ottoman Empire lost land, while there was great fear and anxiety in the shadow of the war. The Ottoman Empire arranged ferries so that emigrants could easily reach their lands. The state often undertook the transportation costs of emigrants to the country. It registered the Muslim Bosniak emigrants coming from Bosnia-Herzegovina, which was occupied by Austria-Hungary inone by one, and recorded the places they came from and they would go to. They also kept a record of how many people were sent to which city. Abdülhamid'in son zamanları olan yılları Osmanlı Devleti'nin en sıkıntılı dönemlerindendir. Bu dönemde Osmanlı hem Kırım'da Ruslarla hem de Balkanlar'da Avusturya ile savaşmak zorunda kalmıştır. Bosna'da Osmanlı Devleti'nin Avusturya'ya karşı almış olduğu tedbirler 52 numaralı Mostar Şer'iyye Siciline yansımıştır. Sicilde kayıtlı bulunan yetmiş civarındaki hatt-ı hümayun, ferman, hüküm ve Bosna'daki eyalet divanından gönderilen buyruldular bulunmaktadır. Sicildeki resmî kayıtlarda Avusturya'nın anlaşmayı bozarak Bosna sınır hattından Osmanlı topraklarına saldırdığı belirtilmektedir. Gerek İstanbul'dan gönderilen belgelerde ve gerekse Divan-ı Bosna'dan kazalara ve ilgililere gönderilen buyruldularından anlaşılan, Bosna halkının topyekûn bir seferberliğe ve orduya yardıma çağrıldığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca söz konusu buyruldularda, İstanbul'dan gemilerle gönderilen mühimmat ve erzakın bir an önce cepheye yetiştirilmesi de talep edilmektedir. Kayıtlardan anlaşılan, bu durum Bosna Beylerbeyi Vezir Ebubekir Paşa başta olmak üzere, idarecilerin, ileri gelenlerin, Müslüman ve gayrimüslimlerin hepsinin birden katıldığı önemli bir mücadeledir. Bu gayretlerin sonucu olarak büyük başarılar elde edilmiştir. Öz Bu çalışma yılları arasında gerçekleşen Osmanlı-Avusturya Savaşı sırasında Osmanlı tarafından alınan esirler konusuna odaklanmakta ve savaşı neticelendiren Ziştovi Antlaşması'nın yedinci maddesine göre esir mübadelesinin ne şartlarda gerçekleştiğini incelemektedir. Bu kapsamda hukukî ve pratik uygulamalarıyla Osmanlı'da savaş esirleri meselesi de tartışılmaktadır. Ada Incili Escort Ankara esir alınan Avusturyalıların İstanbul'a ve diğer Osmanlı eyaletlerine dağıtılırken takip ettikleri güzergah ile esirlerin tahliyesi sırasında izlenilen yol ve yöntem detaylandırılmaktadır. Avusturyalı esirlerden Ada Incili Escort Ankara tercih ettikleri için Osmanlı tarafında kalacak olanlar ile Hristiyanlık üzere oldukları için Avusturya tarafına teslim edileceklerin tespit işlemleri yetkilileri en çok uğraştıran mesele olmuştur.
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